My Progress

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Try and Try Again.

My attitude needs a poke because I have slipped so far off my "where I want to be" list, I am driving myself crazy. I have gotten lazy, and non-committal and I really don't like the person I am. So as of today, I am holding myself accountable for the changes I NEED to do.

My treadmill has a layer of dust on it, and I got a new Pilate's chair. Now all I have to do is get off this fat backside and move it, move it! I need a boot camp for lazy, weary over 55 ladies. I am starting a new calorie count line. The old one was for the old me, and as I begin this trek, without diet pills or gimmicks, this will be the bare truth. All truth... today I start at 195, out of shape again, finding the added weight in different spots than where it had been. I have slacked, ate and drank myself into this lump. I have brought this on myself and indulged in all the goodies and the wine coolers one can consume in 6 months. So, with this in mind, if any of you who want to join my boot camp, feel free. The cost is nothing, the state of mind will be priceless. What I have learned is that all the diet pills in the world can't keep the weight off. All the "so called" tricks are useless. It is me against the recklessness of what is called "quick weight loss". There is no such thing. It is going to be hard work, with slips and bumps along the way. If you are near and want to walk with me...please let me know. I go either in the mornings or later in the evenings. If you want to join me in workouts...come on over! I would welcome the company. It might even help! I am not proud of the fact I am where I am today, but maybe this time next week I will be able to say.."I lost 1 pound"!
Have a wonderful day, and yes...I will be here often. My last post was last Feb. and this is part of my problem,. Not holding myself accountable. No longer...I will commit to this. With any work out, make sure it's ok with your doc. Mine says, it's about time (lol..of course he's skinny)

p.s. I just looked and I was at a goal of 195 on Oct. 30,2008...time to review past mistakes...

1 comment:

bearman54 said...

Good luck in your quest. If you need some encouragement just give me a call. And keep your hands off the wine coolers :)