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Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Monday!

Here it is, almost the middle of the month of July, and it's been the hottest I can remember in years.

Has anyone struggled with keeping motivated? I am having a horrible time. I wake up thinking FOOD. It's not any one thing, but anything. Not sure what to do about it either. I think I need hypnosis or acupuncture. I've had that too before, in 1976. It worked back then, not sure if it work again. I don't think there is anything I haven't tried... Oh, wait... Yes there is. I have never had my jaws wired shut yet. But alas, I would find a way to get milkshakes in. So I won't go there.

I have the newest item on the infomercials. I have the Malibu Pilates Chair. It's really a sturdy and easy thing to use. It sits in the middle of my living room, facing the t.v. and looks good with dust or no dust. Very nice touch. It shares the room with my treadmill too!. So, there really is no excuse for me not to get myself moving...just need a mindset to motivate.

If anyone has a way to motivate, please feel free to jump in here and tell me. I am open for any idea that I can fit in my daily schedule. So, on that note, off to start my day. I hope you have a great day!

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